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Gary McCormick
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Was VP of mortgage bank, helped some home flippers and builders fix their taxes, credit, etc and get better mortgages, which led me to then helping them get lines of credit from community banks so they could build or flip more houses at one time. They made a lot more money and they started encouraging me to flip houses for extra money. I did my first flip, got 15 customers for small & medium jobs in the neighborhood, quit my job, married my head processor & became a full time contractor & house flipper. I mostly did $500k -$1m remodels until 2008 meltdown - which resulted in bankruptcy & starting over. We continued to do the same types of work, but when I coached a church friend in his 60's on how to build his own home (& save $$$), I fell in love with coaching people on how to build their own homes & have been doing this the past few years. My desire is to save as many people building a home as much money & headaches as possible. I'd love to share these concepts with you audience.
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