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John Cleveland
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John Cleveland has done some cool stuff. I've jumped out of airplanes, served overseas and survived a career with the Highway Patrol. What really matters to me now, is discovering my Creator and learning why life is the way it is. My life revolved around justice for so long, but now I am trying to pursue mercy. Last year, I published my first book, "40: A Collection of Modern Day Parables," which (to our great surprise) won a "Christianity Today" book award! Arising from my time volunteering as a chaplain, the stories in “40” were written to help me (and you) understand life's greatest mysteries from a Biblical perspective, with modern day examples people can relate to.
- Bible Study or Bible Topics
- Speaker
- Entrepreneurship
- Military or First Responder (current or past)
- Authors & Publicists
We can talk about my book but I don't expect it to be marketed to the listeners.
- Remote or In Person Interviews are both OK